Two-man teams playing in a hole-by-hole match play format where a team’s net best ball is played against the net best ball of the other team. The winning team advances to the next round until only one team stands unbeaten.
Matches must be completed by the date listed on the bracket sheet. Matches not completed by posted deadline will be decided by a coin flip (no exceptions). Matches may not be scheduled before 1:00 pm Friday-Sunday or holidays. Teams with a slow pace in a match may be restricted on weekend play at the discretion of the Golf Staff.
Handicap Format: The low handicap golfer within the foursome plays off scratch, and the other three reduce their course handicaps by the same amount. If the four-course handicaps in the match are, for example, 3, 9, 16 and 22, then the 3-handicapper plays off scratch (0) and the other three course handicaps are reduced by three (becoming, in this example, 6, 13 and 19).