10 events found.
Party on the Patio
August Party on the Patio
Homestyle Night
August Homestyle Flyer
Mens Pot Game August
Itinerary: Men's Pot Game #4 - Friday August 9 - 3PM Shotgun Start Same payouts as 2023 $50.00 Cash Entry Fee Playing Format - 2-man Aggregate Limited spots available - 40-person field Member/guests welcome, USGA GHIN HC needed Buffet afterwards
Columbia Hills Day – Clubhouse & Course Closed
Columbia Hills Day Flyer
Homestyle Night
August Homestyle Flyer
Ladies Whack and Snack August
Itinerary: Golf, cocktails, food, & laughs. If you are interested in any (or all!) of these then here are some fun events for you to play! Come enjoy any of the evenings below with nine holes of golf, (formats to be announced the night of the event). We keep this […]
Trivia Night
August Trivia Night Flyer
Homestyle Night
August Homestyle Flyer